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Schedule Your Springtime Skin Care before it’s Too Late

Whether you want a scar removed or a luxurious facial, springtime is a wonderful time for skin care. Seasonal change is an opportunity to hit the “reset” button, especially as we leave our Minnesota hibernation chambers. But if you want to plan a skin care treatment for the transition from winter to spring, you’ll want to set up your consultation soon, possibly even before the holidays are over. By holding yourself accountable and putting a date in your planner, you can get the procedure you want without feeling rushed through the planning process. Getting a jumpstart on your skin care New Year’s resolutions is as easy as making a phone call. A skin care consultation during the holidays can help you start 2020 off on the right foot.


Early Springtime Skin Care

Late winter and early spring provide an excellent opportunity for intensive skin care procedures. Exfoliating treatments, like chemical peels and microdermabrasion, are very popular in the early spring. Both physical and chemical exfoliators can help bring out the skin’s brightness, literally shedding dull, dry winter skin in the process. If you’re interested in this type of treatment, however, you don’t need to wait for winter to end. By removing old layers of skin, topical treatments, like intense winter moisturizers, are more easily absorbed into the skin, making this a wonderful time to schedule this type of treatment.

Late winter and early spring also bring short days and long, dark nights. As a result, this is a fantastic time to get more invasive skin care treatments, like laser treatments, cyst removal, and acne treatments. Typically, these treatments require patients to stay out of the sun, as the skin will be extra sensitive to light and UV radiation. This time of year is naturally dark, which can help patients stay out of the sun, expediting the healing process and reducing the risk of complications.


Navigating the Holiday Crunch

If you’re interested in a spring skin care treatment, it is better to schedule a consultation as early as possible – even before the holidays are over. December is chock-full of fun activities. Most spend time with family and celebrate the season, but the aftermath is often difficult to navigate. Between cleaning, putting away decorations, and the general post-holiday slump, you may not be as motivated to schedule the consultation. Then, many treat January as a catch-up month, rushing through missed work projects and trying to undo holiday laziness. In most cases, skin care falls by the wayside.

It can be helpful to start the consultation process before the holidays are over. While you might think planning too far in advance is unnecessary, it is helpful for both patient and doctor. Many procedures take more than a few days of planning and preparation. If you plan your consultation too close to when you want the procedure, you might not have enough time to prepare. By starting early, you ensure the ability to think through the procedure, prepare accordingly, and choose a date you want. Scheduling your consultation before or during the holidays guarantees that you will be more than ready to have your procedure in the aftermath.


Planning Your Consultation

Most of our patients like to start the new season with a fresh face. Early spring can be a busy time, especially for treatments that require more than one visit. Luckily, planning your consultation is easy. You can send us a message or schedule a virtual appointment any time. We’ll make it easy to get the skin care treatment you need.

When Does Dry Skin Warrant a Visit to the Dermatologist?

As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, people in Minnesota must start preparing for all that winter brings. Reviewing and updating your daily skin care routine should be part of this seasonal transition. Many people experience some discomfort from dry, itchy skin during the winter, but this nuisance is sometimes more than just an indicator of cold temperatures and lower humidity levels. In some cases, it can be a symptom of a separate, more serious skin condition.

With this in mind, you should know which symptoms tip the scales in favor of scheduling an appointment with one our dermatology clinics in Minneapolis, Edina, or Plymouth. Winter is never a bad time to check in with your dermatologist, but there are a few signs you should definitively keep an eye on.


Cracked Skin

When dry skin cracks, germs can enter the body through the weakened epidermis and cause infections. You do not need to see a doctor immediately if this happens, but you will need to keep the crack clean and well maintained. Stop by your local pharmacy to pick up an antibacterial ointment, and wear bandages until the skin heals. Importantly, keep an eye out for sore red spots on the skin. This is an early sign of an infection and will warrant a visit to the doctor.


It Hurts More than Last Year

If the dryness is especially severe or uncomfortable, comes on suddenly, or does not go away, you may have a separate medical condition, like eczema. Pay attention to how certain parts of your body feel as compared to last year. Are your hands in worse shape? Is there an itchy spot on your back you’ve never noticed? A dermatologist can help determine if a different condition, like what is mental health, is causing the unsightly rash or discomfort.


Chronic Dryness

Chronic, extreme dry skin can indicate eczema. While the exact cause of eczema is still unknown, it is triggered year-round by several factors. This includes household cleaners, cosmetic products, and fabrics. If you have chronically dry skin, but it feels especially uncomfortable in the winter, a dermatologist visit could help mitigate symptoms.


How to Prevent Dry Skin During Minnesota’s Winters

The best defense against a trip to the doctor is to prevent dry skin from becoming a problem. The American Skin Association and American Academy of Dermatology have a few suggestions for avoiding or mitigating the discomfort that usually accompanies dry skin.

  • Choose skin products without alcohol
  • Choose short showers over baths
  • Use warm, not very hot, water when showering
  • Invest in a humidifier for your home
  • Apply a moisturizer several times each day, but especially after bathing
  • Wear gloves, hats, and scarves as much as possible
  • Change razor blades more frequently than usual
  • Wear natural fibers, like cotton, as much as possible

In most cases, dry skin responds well to lifestyle changes, meaning you can likely address your irritation at home with the use of over-the-counter products. However, dermatologists are trained to know the difference between dry skin caused by weather and dryness caused by other conditions. A doctor can suggest diagnostic tests and provide important insight to determine the cause of your dry skin. If your dry skin is especially irritating this year, even for Minnesota standards, it might be time to Contact us to schedule a visit.

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2 Carlson Parkway N., Suite 100
Plymouth, MN 55447

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